The story follows a high school girl who is a young caregiver. She ends up helping the drama club as a lighting assistant, leading to a conflict...
Ruri mo hari mo teraseba hikaru
Girls spend their time idly, end up in a field of sunflowers in full bloom, where they come to a crossroads.
Huyuko’s Summer
An unapologetic former sex worker starts working at a bento stand in a small seaside town, bringing comfort to the lonely souls who come her way.
Call Me Chihiro
Haru is a rather cool fifth-grade elementary school student who shares the same tastes as her mother’s younger sister Yuko (Kaho) and can tell...
Kidnap Tour
Honto ni Atta Kowai Hanashi: 25 Shuunen Tokubetsu-hen
Schoolteacher Yohei is married to Miyoko. For the first time in 25 years they begin to live by themselves when their son marries and moves out. Then...
A Loving Husband
In 2011, top-secret data on nuclear power is stolen from a university facility. At the same time, leaked information comes in about enriched uranium...
Black Dawn
Periods are depicted as pink, heart-shaped sentient beings that harass women on a monthly basis, delivering awful gut punches, but also offering a...
Little Miss Period
An original story based on the characters of Hayamine Kaoru's mystery novel of the same name. Naito Naito, a second year high school student who has...
Tom and Sawyer in the City
The year is 1984. Teacher Amarida is crazy about school lunches, and he gets the shock of his life when school lunches are slated to be removed from...
School Meals Time Final Battle
Saho Takahashi, capable but a disillusioned nurse, has lost all motivation for her job working at Sumidaku Sakuraoka General Hospital. She seeks...
Brighter Days