Set in Malaya during the Japanese occupation in the 1940s, this film tells the story of a girl, Embun, who's thrown into the forefront of the...
The murder of a woman named Suzana causes the police to suspect most wanted crime lord Raymond to be responsible for the killing. Meanwhile, with...
GK3 The Movie
This movie tells different stories of people who have become desperate with city life. Rosli is a stall owner who, in his quest to get rich, borrows...
This is a hilarious story of Man Laksa, a young man, who sells the famous rice noodle to make a living. Man Laksa dreams of marrying the girl of his...
Man Laksa
The movie follows the story of a PASKAU team led by Captain Adib and his mentor, Major Adnan, tasked with protecting humanitarians serving in war...
Air Force The Movie: Danger Close
Rudy (Farid Kamil) and his friend Brett (Bront Palarae) gets involved in a big problem where he and his friends race until Shah and Liza, a pair of...
V3: Samseng Jalanan
The story is about a Mat Rempit named Madi who works as a dispatch boy by day and street racer by night. As a Mat Rempit, his activities at night...
In 1960, Yazid joined the first group to explore Felda in Bilut. Yazid had to face all kinds of challenges and emotional stress. His best friend, Jim...
Starring Khir Rahman, Sein and Aqasha, "Bangunan" follows their experience as they try to finish filming a movie, only to hear about people vanishing...
The Building
Shake, an aspiring musician, goes to Kuala Lumpur to pursue his dream and establish himself as a rock star. He meets Bromo, another aspiring...
Gangsterock: Kasi Sengaaat..!
Rahimi (Aqasha), recently returned from studying religion. His attitude of a man who likes to criticize the perceived violate the tenets of Islam...
Oh Haram
Rahimi (Aqasha) works as mutawif in an Umrah agencies. Farhana his wife is pregnant. Umrah pilgrims this time to test the faith Rahimi where he is...
Tersalah Cinta
The story of Ghahim who has the problem pronounce 'r' letter. Soon he was often became the laughter of his friends at school.
Ghahim Takut Nak Azan