Tells the story of siblings who try to survive by doing unusual jobs, starting from blackmailing uncles who have pets to opening a consultation to...
Tuan Besar
Tells the story of a young man who, because his parents stopped funding his college, applied for a job as a driver. It all happened because he...
Sopirku Sayang
Tells the story of Saritem who is successful as a herbal medicine seller. Her beautiful and sexy face makes many men like her, one of whom is the...
Saritem Penjual Jamu
Little Roy experienced a series of trials. After his father died, who was killed by his mother, his mother was also in prison. He was raised by his...
Cowok Masa Kini
A comedy film by all Srimulat players that contains two different stories. Asmuni who seduces Tarsan's wife. Dracula who disturbs the peace of the...
Untung Ada Saya
Vivi managed to deceive many philandering men by taking advantage of her beauty. He obtained everything from houses, cars to diamonds, by trapping...
Senjata Rahasia Nona