A heartbreaking tale of a poor yet honest young man as lies, conspiracies and a horrible betrayal by his rich and influential employer leads his life...
A murder is committed in a village without any clue left behind. However, there is a man with an unnatural power of understanding animals and their...
Raat Jaga Phool
Religious prejudice and racial dogmatism are the curse of Mohanpur, a backwater village out of touch with progress in the contemporary world. But, as...
Maya is a singer in the biggest brothel of South Asian. She was trained and brought up by her Ostaad Karim Box. This movie focuses on the concept of...
Intertwined story of a group of friends living together and their romantic complications.
Bachelor: The Circle
The film "Chiranjeev Mujib" is based on the "unfinished autobiography" of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, setting the stage...
Chironjib Mujib
Halda; a river in south-eastern Bangladesh; The one and only natural fish breeding center in Asia. The movie plot is based on the river halda and the...
The movie is about the clash among two brothers in an eternal love triangle followed by the mysterious death of their grandfather Razab Ali Guning, a...
A hospital, a few families and a few people fighting for survival. The fight becomes more difficult when some extremists plan a devastating attack....
A small market named Ranighat is situated at river bank. A madwoman Sokhina lives under a tree in the market. Everyday many people visits the market...
A journey of a son separated from his mother during the 1971 war. A son embarks on a quest to reunite with his mother in the United States, the...
All sorts of character get on board a bus bound for Teknaf, Cox's Bazar on a pleasure trip organized by a new travel company named Somudro Bilash...
Somudro Bilash Private Limited
Shirja Mia is grave digger. He begs from village to village to get death news. Now he has only two things in his life. One is a doll which he bought...
The Grave
An apparently passive young man comes to Dhaka from a rural area looking for a job and a better life.
Mad_e in Bangladesh
A middle-class family shelters a freedom fighter in war-torn Dhaka.
Aguner Poroshmoni
Odyssey of a man charged with taking a corpse to the neighboring village.
The Wheel
Afnan & Adiba who met each other through social networking sites. As it turns out, they have never met each other in person. To celebrate Valentine's...
Bhalobasha 101
Witness Bangladesh's most iconic telefilm! After the massive failure of Somudro Bilash Private Limited, Mr. Rafiq and his gang are back with another...
Greho Sukh Private Limited