The movie revolves around a young girl who has the ability to foresee events before they happen. Will this special ability that she possesses become...
A fight occurs between a child and his parents, then the child wishes for a different mother and father, and when his wish is fulfilled, he finds...
Answer Hour
Kamla is deeply committed to her work as a psychiatrist; her patients find her both supportive and accepting. However, society does not necessarily...
Circumstances force Majed to leave his comfortable life and move from his private school to a public school. Over time, he gains the respect of his...
El Harifa
Laila is forced to move to an old house in search of documents proving ownership of her mother, but there are many difficulties and dangers waiting...
Youssef, whose brother is trying to push him to marry, and during that, an accident occurs for (Youssef) who loses his sight, and coincidentally one...
Love Story
Dr. Yehia, a psychotherapist at Al Abbasia hospital, works in the department of the criminally insane. He finds that one of his patients is his old...
The Blue Elephant
Yehia, known as Pharaoh, reassembles a group of six of his old friends, each with a unique combating skill, to travel to Syria under the pretense of...
Pharaoh's War
Try (Zizi Badrawi) to convince her son, an interior decorator Abdullah (Hani Salama) to marry, with the help of his friend and his partner (Amr...
A Whole One
In a romantic context, a love story that ends in marriage brings together a young man and a girl, as the young man is a doctor who treats addiction...
Majed, along with his friends and teammates, continues to face more challenges and exciting adventures by playing football, while their personal...
Al-Harifa 2: Remontada