A 1979 Japanese tokusatsu kaiju film produced by Tsuburaya Productions, consisting of re-edited material from the original television series...
Ultraman: Great Monster Decisive Battle
Jaguar-Man (豹(ジャガー)マン, Jagā Man) is an unaired tokusatsu TV pilot produced by...
Ultraman Zoffy explains to the audience about the history of the ultra series alongside Pigmon, while having to fight off with various seijin foes.
Ultraman Zoffy: Ultra Warriors vs. the Giant Monster Army
A special retrospective of the two franchises, with segments making comparisons between the different characters, their weapons, powers and so forth....
Ultraman vs. Kamen Rider
Akio Jissoji's Ultraman is a 1979 Japanese tokusatsu kaiju film directed by Akio Jissoji. It is a compilation film made up of scenes from Jissoji's...
Akio Jissoji's Ultraman
Ultraman Zearth hails from The Land of Pikari in Nebula Z95. He has a big red face and dislikes dirt, and will go to great lengths to wash it off his...
Ultraman Zearth