A documentary by Citizens United Productions, exposing Mark Zuckerberg for his role in funding drop-box ballot operations across the country during...
Rigged: The Zuckerberg Funded Plot to Defeat Donald Trump
In 2016, almost anyone you asked, or any poll you consulted, pointed you to a Hillary Clinton landslide. The Accidental President is a balanced...
The Accidental President
The detailed timeline of events surrounding the deadly siege of the U.S. Capitol and violence in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021.
24 Hours: Assault on the Capitol
The documentary investigates the lives and characters of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump as they seek the presidency. In a historic election, those...
The Choice 2024: Harris vs. Trump
Medical doctors and mental health professionals go on camera, on the record, for the record, for a discussion, analysis, and science-based...
#UNFIT: The Psychology of Donald Trump