A comedy-adventure in which three twelve-year-olds have a close encounter with a 3,000-year-old mummy. Marshall, Gilbert and Amy accidentally set the...
Under Wraps
Nolan Wood is a pilot who uncovers a plot to promote the ecological destruction of Earth in order to pave the way for alien colonization. Now, with...
The Invaders
A young man, Ryan, suffering from a disability, wishes to join the other kids from his schools football team. During an initiation rite, Ryan is...
Warriors of Virtue
A hometown heartthrob (Harry Hamlin) marries the local beauties and then poisons them in this true story of a real lady killer. His ex-wife suspects...
Murder So Sweet
When the young orphan boy James spills a magic bag of crocodile tongues, he finds himself in possession of a giant peach that flies him away to...
James and the Giant Peach
Jack Powell suffers from an affliction that makes him grow four times faster than normal, so the 10 year old boy looks like a 40 year old man. After...
A family meeting to decide what to do with the ashes of recently deceased Nanna takes an unexpected turn when Nanna comes back from the dead in an...
Just Add Water