This documentary examines the life and work of the late fashion designer Yves Saint-Laurent, recounting how a frail prodigy prone to bouts of...
L'Amour Fou
"What could be more unsettling than a man close to death whose profound arrogance drives him relentlessly to hang onto both his power and his...
François Mitterrand, à bout portant : 1993-1996
A behind-the-scenes look inside Yves Saint Laurent’s legendary atelier during the creation of his final Spring line.
Yves Saint Laurent: 5 Avenue Marceau 75116 Paris
This documentary is not a straightforward portrait of Armenian film director Sergei Paradjanov's life, but rather a fluid celebration of his talent...
Sergei Parajanov: The Rebel
The sketches and drawings of iconic designer Yves Saint Laurent come to life in this documentary. Past colleagues and friends discuss his life and...
The Drawings of Yves Saint Laurent
A documentary on Yves Saint-Laurent and the legendary fashion designer's final show.
Yves Saint Laurent, le dernier défilé
An intimate biography featuring extensive interviews with the reclusive designer.
Yves Saint Laurent: His Life and Times
This intimate and loving portrait of the legendary arbiter of fashion, art and culture illustrates the many stages of Vreeland's remarkable life....
Diana Vreeland: The Eye Has to Travel
Often imitated, the creations of French couturiers caused a sensation across the Atlantic, but perhaps to the detriment of haute couture... The...
Le Business et la Mode