In the enchanting streets of Barcelona, a despondent movie director crosses paths with a gritty low-life gangster. Their fateful encounter sparks the...
Another Excellent Day
Trevor, an Englishman living in Spain, is visited by his daughter who brings information that will change Trevor's life forever.
In life, we all deserve second chances. It doesn't matter what we have done. What if we were given a second opportunity in the form of an "escape...
Escape from Marwin
The story of a married American couple who go to the San Sebastian Film Festival. They get caught up in the magic of the festival, the beauty and...
Rifkin’s Festival
Based on a true story of abuse and humiliation, narrated as if it were an animated thriller where the voice and the image confront each other,...
Despite her unconventional family and lavish household, Lily is plagued with the inescapable boredom of her every day life.