This film finds a mother and her teen daughter both being diagnosed with cancer. This discovery helps to overcome the longtime antagonistic...
Two Against Time
Follows Marzipan, a young elfling, and her mother Cinnameg, as Marzipan must believe in the magic of the season and goes on an adventure to...
Glisten and the Merry Mission
A luxury condo manager leads a staff of workers to seek payback on the Wall Street swindler who defrauded them. With only days until the billionaire...
Tower Heist
Buffalo, NY. The day before Thanksgiving. Cliff and Carol Morgan take their three grown children out to dinner to tell them that, after thirty years,...
The Dissection of Thanksgiving
After his father takes his two brothers and high tails it, Peel is forced to grow up in a state of arrested development. Once his mother dies, he...
A young domestic "indoor" cat named Marcello escapes from his home one day into the big outdoors to visit "Jujube", a pretty out-door female kitty....
Cats: The Movie!
Jack's lavish, fast-paced lifestyle changes one Christmas night when he stumbles into a grocery store holdup and disarms the gunman. The next morning...
The Family Man
Fed up with being losers, Jasper, Hannah, and Nick create fake identities to lie, steal, and scheme their way through vacation in this sun-drenched...